Monday, May 30, 2022

Salesforce Vlocity Omni studio

Vlocity Org Creation:

Steps to create New vlocity salesforce org :

What is vlocity:

1.     Vlocity is natively built on salesforce platform and it is leading provider of industry-specific solutions

2.     Industry-specific means that is addresses aspects of a specific industry

3.     the main purpose to acquire the vlocity is Customer 360 (Initial salesforce handle sales, service, marking, community clouds etc... once acquire this vlocity then salesforce handles the industries side, we call it as customer 360).

a.     communications

b.     media & entertainments

c.     energy & utilities

d.     insurance

e.     health

f.      Government

Vlocity mainly based on below concepts

  • Data raptor
  • Integration Procedure
  • Omni Scripts(Classic and LWC Enabled)
  • Vlocity Cards/flex cards


Data raptor : 

Data raptor is a mapping tool that enable to read, transform and write salesforce data. 

  • Tab Name: Vlocity Data Raptor Designer
  • It is a Service management and need to write the backend logic for CRUD Operations.
  • It is a SOQL or DML, if we get the data from salesforce or perform any DML operation we can use data raptor.
  • *Date raptor cannot run in the Without sharing accepts.
  • Using Data raptor, we can’t the delete the records, if delete any record use the IP or OS.
  • when user changes some data or enters new data, it must be saved too.

      Four types of data raptors

a.     Extract: 

i. This data raptor extracts read salesforce data and return results in JSON, XML or custom formats.

ii. Perform multiple objects SOQL's in single datarptor.

b.     Transform:

i. Intermediate data transformations without from or writing to salesforce

ii. Convert JSON input to XML Output and vice versa

iii. Restructure input data and rename fields

iv. Substitute values in fields

v. No filtering provided for this DR

c.     Load:

i. Perform DML Operations

d.     Turbo extract

i. Perform single object SOQL in single dataraptor.

ii. We cannot retrieve the child records but can retrieve the parent record data

 Key Points in Dataraptors:

1. Id should not be null.. to checking the ID write like this for Ex: Contacts Id <> "$Vlocity.NULL"

Note : 
i. "Contacts" is a refence JSON node
ii. If you want to make Dynamic id through in where condition put ex : recId and  pass it in the Input        Parameters in Preview 
iii. if that recId is want to under any Parent node make it to write like this in where condition ex:                  obj:recId and  pass it in the Input Parameters like below in Preview 
        "obj": {
          "recId": "0015j00000WvgwqAAB"

Quick Match button: Using this we can map the JSON from Expected JSON Output to output parameters.

Extraction step JSON : Salesforce provide the data
Expected JSON Output : If we have predefined JSON code that we can map to as output parameters 
Current JSON Output : Based on the mapping shows the JSON pattern


Integration procedure (IP):

·       Tab Name: omnistudio integration procedure 

·       Server-side actions. handled the multiple server-side actions in single server call.

·       Need to activate

·       Call the apex class, HTTP action, we service class

·       Dr_getAccountDetails

                         a.          Data Raptor interface: provide Data raptor name

Omni Scripts :

Tab Name : Vlocity OmniScript Designer

1. LWC Enabled Omni Scripts:

     ·       It will Support the Lwc templates

·       Supported placeholders for text inputs

 2. Classic Omni Scripts:

·       Omni Scripts nothing but do some procedure step by step wise

·       It will Support the Angular template and visual force pages

·       Use Help text

·       To save the data into database use Dataraptor post action

Vlocity cards:

  Tab Name : Vlocity Cards

·       Vlocity cards --> built on angular JS framework

o   Flyout cards -> to show some part of information

·       Flex cards -> built on LWC

LWC Conversion:



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